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With my graduation collection of jewellery made of plastic cards, I aim to raise awareness on the problems of the throw-away society by letting people experience what we actually do all day long. How easily we purchase and get rid of products. What if that doesn't work anymore?

Do you need me?

You wear this ring on the inside of your fingertips.

Experience what it's like not to be able to buy.

Do I continue to captivate you?

How do you stay stuck in this society?

Do you recognize me?

I'm actually just a piece of plastic.

Do you really look?

Do you see what you are buying?

Who are you?

Which identity do you buy?

Can you do without me?

Or have you used me too often?

© 2022 by Esmee Muylwijk  Graduation Arts & Crafts Jewellery

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